// Major simulation parameters ===================================================================== // NumNeighbours = 8 // NumStates = 2 NumStates = 2 // QuiescentState = 0 QuiescentState = 0 // MaxGeneticallySettableState = 1 // must be > 0 and < NumStates MaxGeneticallySettableState = 1 // PopulationSize = 500 PopulationSize = 500 // InitialPopulationSize = 1000 // the number of random individuals initially created to be considered for first generation InitialPopulationSize = 2000 // MaxGenomeLength = 50 MaxGenomeLength = 625 // MaxInitialGenomeLength = 50 MaxInitialGenomeLength = 200 // MinInitialGenomeLength = 5 MinInitialGenomeLength = 5 // MaxEvaluationIterationsOfCA = 250 MaxEvaluationIterationsOfCA = 200 // MaxGenerations = 100 MaxGenerations = 150 // ApplyElitism = True // if == True, the best individual is always retained unmodified in the next generation // TournamentSelection = True // if != True, fitness proportional selection is used // TournamentSelectionFittestWinsProbability = 0.90 // TournamentSize = 8 // CrossoverProbability = 0.80 // MutationProbability = 0.05 // this is a per gene probability // GeneInsertionProbability = 0.05 // this is a per genome probability // GeneDeletionProbability = 0.05 // this is a per genome probability // GeneReversalProbability = 0.05 // this is a per genome probability // GeneDuplicationProbability = 0.05 // this is a per genome probability // GenomeDefaultXRadius = 12 // if changing this, may want to change MaxGenomeLength as well // GenomeDefaultYRadius = 12 // if changing this, may want to change MaxGenomeLength as well // GenomeXPos = 37 // GenomeYPos = 15 GenomeYPos = 13 // GoalSize = 20 // if changing this, remember to also change LeftGoalRegion and RightGoalRegion of the CA! // LeftGoalBottomLeftXPos = 12 // if changing this, remember to also change LeftGoalRegion and RightGoalRegion of the CA! // LeftGoalBottomLeftYPos = 40 // if changing this, remember to also change LeftGoalRegion and RightGoalRegion of the CA! // RightGoalBottomRightXPos = 64 // if changing this, remember to also change LeftGoalRegion and RightGoalRegion of the CA! // RightGoalBottomRightYPos = 40 // if changing this, remember to also change LeftGoalRegion and RightGoalRegion of the CA! // BonusScoreForMatchingSignalState = 10 BonusScoreForMatchingSignalState = 5 // SignalMinState = 1 SignalMinState = 1 // SignalMaxState = 1 SignalMaxState = 1 // NumEvaluationSets = 1 // This should usually be <= (1 + SignalMaxState - SignalMinState) NumEvaluationSets = 1 // SignalSize = 2 // LeftSignalBottomLeftXPos = 35 // LeftSignalBottomLeftYPos = 1 // RightSignalBottomRightXPos = 39 // RightSignalBottomRightYPos = 1 // TimedGenesTimeZeroOnlyAllowed = True // Exactly one of TimedGenesTimeZeroAllowed and TimedGenesAnyTimeAllowed must be True TimedGenesTimeZeroOnlyAllowed = False // TimedGenesAnyTimeAllowed = False // Exactly one of TimedGenesTimeZeroAllowed and TimedGenesAnyTimeAllowed must be True TimedGenesAnyTimeAllowed = True // ConditionalGenesAllowed = True // This can be True or False ConditionalGenesAllowed = True // ConditionalGenesSensitiveToState = False ConditionalGenesSensitiveToState = False // RunInBatchMode = True RunInBatchMode = False // InputDirectory = "." // OutputDirectory = "." OutputDirectory /home/timt/projects/evoca_gol/expts/test_1sig // Filenames (used in non-batch runs) ============================================================== // DefaultRunInfoFilename = "runinfo.dat" // DefaultGenerationInfoFilename = "geninfo.dat" // DefaultGeneBankFilename = "genebank.dat" // Data for batch runs only ======================================================================== // FirstEvolutionIdx = 1 // LastEvolutionIdx = 1 // RunInfoFilenameBase = "runinfo_batch" // GenerationInfoFilenameBase = "geninfo_batch" // GeneBankFilenameBase = "genebank_batch"